Sunday, July 29, 2007

Gib mir fünf

I am doing this post in German since German cat friends tagged me for "Give Me Five".

Maus & Allegra haben mich "getagged"

Jetzt soll ich 5 Fragen beantworten, womit ich euch dann so einiges über mich verrate, was ja nicht jeder wissen sollte. Aber wahrscheinlich macht ihr euch sowieso schon Gedanken über mich, wenn ich euch meine Strategien im Internet verrate, wie ich Mr. & Mrs. Nice erziehe.

Frage 1: Nenne deine 5 Lieblingssongs

  • "Hit the road, Jack, but I will come back ... " Das singe ich, wenn ich vor meinem Kästchen stehen, wo mein Halsband aufbewahrt wird.
  • "Fisch im Gelee, oh yeah, Fisch im Gelee ..." Das singe ich, wenn ich brav darauf warte, bis meine Dosenöffner mir mein Schälchen gefüllt haben, damit sie wissen, dass Rind nicht mein Lieblingsessen ist.
  • "I am ready, I am ready to be cuddled, yes, M'am... meow" ... Das singe ich, wenn ich mal wieder schmusen will und das ist ziemlich häufig
  • "Time to say Good Night" - Das singe ich, wenn ich zum wiederholten Male zu Frauchen komme am Abend, um sie endlich ins Bett zu holen.
  • "Hello again ..." Das singe ich, wenn ich mich wieder bemerkbar mache nach einem Gartenbesuch, um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, dass meine Schüssel schon wieder gefüllt ist.

Frage 2: Was sind deine 5 Lieblingsspielzeuge

  • Die Frösche an und in Nachbars Teich
  • Meine bunten Bändchen
  • Mein Weinkorken mit Schnur
  • Schmetterlinge, aber die lassen sich nicht fangen
  • Meine kleinen Bällchen, die ich wie ein Fussballprofi durch's Haus kicke

Frage 3: Nenne deine 3 Lieblingssnacks
Jetzt wird's schwierig. Herrchen und Frauchen haben ziemlich schnell gemerkt, dass ich eine Katze bin, die sich aus den ganzen Snacks, die sie gekauft haben, nichts macht. Darum liste ich mal meine Lieblingsfutter.

Herrchen kauft mir immer diese Tütchen von KitKat, die ich liebe. Da komme ich angerannt, wenn er damit winkt. Hmmmmm.....

  • Thunfisch
  • Lachs
  • Alles, worin Leber enthalten ist, auch Trockenfutter
  • Kabeljau - einfach göttlich
  • Huhn - dagegen mag ich Truthahn überhaupt nicht.
Frage 4: Nenne deine 5 Lieblingsbeschäftigungen
  • In den Garten gehen und mich in der Sonne aalen
  • Auf der Wiese hinter unserem Haus spielen
  • Schlafen in einer stillen Ecke im Garten
  • Schmusen
  • Mit Herrchen spielen, weil der das richtig gut kann
Frage 5: Nenne 5 schlechte Angewohnheiten

Da muss ich richtig überlegen. Eigentlich bin ich perfekt.

  • Ich nerve meine Dosenöffner mindestens 1 Stunde jeden Abend, wenn ich eigentlich im Haus bleiben muss, damit sie mich doch wieder raus lassen. Aber es funktioniert nicht. Sie bleiben hart. Frauchen sagt immer: "Dass Stella das nach 2 Monaten nicht kapiert, dass sie abends nicht raus darf." Ich hab's schon kapiert, aber bisher hab ich euch ja immer wieder weich gekriegt. Nur da scheint es nicht zu funktionieren.
  • Ich renne manchmal zwischen die Füße von Frauchen, wenn sie die Treppe runter geht, weil ich vor ihr an der Terrassentür sein möchte.
  • Wenn Türen geschlossen sind, spring ich hoch und öffne sie. Inzwischen sind die Türgriffe hochgestellt, weil sie nicht immer wollen, dass ich überall rein kann. Bei Sohnemann A. wirkt es aber. Er macht mir auch mitten in der Nacht die Tür auf. Frauchen hat ihm aber gesagt, er soll sie geschlossen halten, wenn er nicht möchte, dass ich zu ihm komme. Allerdings musste Herrchen schon mal durch's Küchenfenster, weil ich die Terrasentür angesprungen hatte und da ist die Tür geschlossen, wenn der Griff unten ist. Jetzt nimmt er aber immer die Schlüssel mit in den Garten.
  • Ich gehe in fremde Häuser und leg mich auch mal in fremde Betten.
Da Silke und Wolfgang schon Giselas Max nominiert haben und die einzig andere Blog-Katze Luna ist, die ich kenne, gerade in Urlaub ist, muss ich wohl mit meinen Offenbarungen hier allein bleiben. Eure Stella-The-Cat

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week #9 - Sneaking my way into the bedroom

I cannot remember whether I have told you that Mrs. Nice didn't really like for me to take my naps on her bed. At first the bed was completely off limits.

Then I started joining her in the morning when she would make the bed. She'd open the shades and I could sit on the window sill and look outside.

One day she left the bedroom door open and I laid down on the bedspread. She thought it was cute. The rule changed to: Stella may rest on the bed, but the spread must be on the bed.

Another rule was that I could not sleep in the bedroom at night. They put the door handles upright to keep me from opening the door and hung a scary balloon there which would pop when I jumped at it.

Then I would sleep in between the hallway and the bedroom before they came to go to bed. I must've looked so cute and they didn't want to wake me, so they left their door open and put the blanket on the floor. Mrs. Nice softened and put my little basket into their room for me to sleep in with the condition that I would not come into their bed.

One night I thought I'd give it a try. Mrs. Nice went to bed and I jumped on the bottom part of the bed. Mr. Nice started laughing and they let me stay there under the condition that I stay at the end of the bed.

Can you see the progression? This is the way to do it .. be sneaky about it, be cute and they will let you do anything. That's my story for week #9. Gotta go and check out the neighborhood! Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week #8 - Being a lazy cat

Not much happened during my 8th week at my new home. I have pretty much taken over the house. Training Mr. and Mrs. Nice is progressing well. During the week it rained a lot and I stayed indoors and enjoyed lots of hugs and peace & quiet. The weekend was sunny and I wanted to take the opportunity and be outside a lot.This is the chair Mrs. Nice likes to use outside a lot. I found it is a really nice place to relax and take it easy. I wonder if I could have it? Don't think so ...

Have I told you that I enjoy watching television. My servants think this is funny and of course, they've taken a picture of me.

My favorite spots when I can't go outdoors are my scratching post and my basket. Since I have been living at my new home, I found that playing is lots of fun. Mr. Nice plays a lot with me when he gets home from work and I look forward to it every night. However, playing by myself is fun, too. They've bought these tiny balls I like to play with. Mrs. Nice says I look like someone playing soccer when I play with those. Ribbons are also fun to play with. Mrs. Nice got them in all different colors for me.

I hope you've enjoyed my little story, even though not much has happened. Next week's story should be more exciting. I will tell you how I am working my way into the bedroom. :-)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Week #7 - A cat's worst nightmare

This week was pretty much uneventful for me. I have had to stay indoors a lot due to the weather. I tried to behave to make up for the behavior from week #6, so Mr. & Mrs. Nice would not be upset anymore.

Today - Sunday - was the day any cat in a new home fears. A dog arrived. Not just any dog, a HUGE dog! Have a look. Didn't I have a reason to worry?
His name is Brian, a Weimaraner hunting dog. You tell me - why does he have to come to my house? I live here now.

At first I was scared, so Mr. Nice picked me up.

This must've been punishment for everything I have done last week. Mrs. Nice seemed to know the dog very well. She even touched the dog and the dog LIKED her, too. Hey, dog, that's my Mrs. Nice, not yours. I knew the lady because she came to visit when I first arrived here. Who would think that a nice lady like this would have a HUGE dog like Brian? The question should really be - why??? I thought she liked cats.

You better believe it that I stayed very close and nearby to watch every step they did. I do that anyhow when someone comes into my garden or talks to Mr. & Mrs. Nice. You do understand that, don't know? What kind of cat would I be if I wasn't keeping track of the visitors to our house and garden.
This dog had the nerves to want to play with me. Now why in the world does a dog want to play with a cat? I was NOT interested at all. As a matter of fact, I found a spot between the pots and figured he'd leave me alone. But you know dogs - they have tunnel vision. He was not giving up on that idea.
Here I am hiding next to the blue pot and the little table and HE kept looking for me. (Click on the picture and you'll get a better glimpse of me. Can't miss the dog, I reckon.)

Ok.. well I let him have a look at me, but he better watch out for Stella-The-Cat. I hissed at him to let him know that I did NOT like him and did NOT want to be bothered at all.

Then the lady wanted to have a walk through my garden to look at all the flowers Mrs. Nice planted for me to enjoy. I walked right behind them. When the dog saw me, he charged at me and I took of running to the front of the house. Mrs. Nice told me later he wanted to play. I simply don't care. I do not like dogs.

I was so relieved when they decided to leave. Of course, I made sure to follow them to the front of the house and to see the dog getting into the car.

After they were gone I walked right back into my house and rolled all over the floor everywhere this dog has been laying down to get rid of his scent.

I made sure Mr. & Mrs. Nice KNEW that I did not like it and I gave them some of "my medicine" which is a "cold shoulder". They hate it when I ignore them.

That was my Sunday story for this week and I hope this does NOT happen again.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Week #6 - Time to confess

It is soooo difficult to admit when you are wrong, but there is no way around it. I just cannot see Mrs. Nice upset and Mr. Nice getting stricter.

Ok... here we go. I confess:
  • During week #6 I was not the perfect cat you expect me to be.
  • I stayed out longer than you like.
  • I irritated you daily in the evening when you thought I was past the point of bugging you to let me out of the house.
  • I slipped into the neighbor's basement and visited their house. Mrs. Nice said -when she heard this- I better be careful because their cat Paganina will fight me when she catches me in her territory. Talk about someone being upset!!!
  • I got caught in our neighbor's son's bed and thrown out of the house. I have overheard my can openers telling the neighbors to be really mean and throw me out of the house when they catch me again AND to make it very uncomfortable for me. I have noticed already that they are letting down the shades now. As you can imagine, Mrs. Nice was REALLY not happy anymore. Mr. Nice just had his usual grin like nothing could surprise him.
  • I have been making a more permanent bed in the next door neighbor's guest room. They could tell where I have been laying down resting. That REALLY brought the pot to a boil. Now I have to be careful around the Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Nice seem to have informants everywhere. I really need to slow down because I wouldn't want to push my luck.

Look at me - who could resist. Pure innocence! I am sleeping. I decided on my own it is better to be indoors when it is raining.

Happy now?? So I am not perfect. I am a cat. Stella-The-Cat