Friday, February 22, 2008

Stella the Cat has moved to a new location

Hello friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Nice have decided to move my blog to one of their private domains. Since I am not a cat with a background in computer sciences and network administration I have to go along with the experts.

My blog can be found there from now on and as soon as Mrs. Nice has more time, I will have her type up some new stories. I still haven't figured out how to work the keyboard on her notebook myself.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What have I been up to?

I tried the snow and I did not like it. This was taken January 1, 2008.

I haven't been doing much of anything. Between Christmas and New Year it was quite cold and I preferred to stay indoors much more than going outside. Mr. and Mrs. Nice used their spare time after work to occupy me. We also had company at our house. You may remember the post I had about the lady with the big Weimaraner? Well, she spent New Year's at our house and of course, she spoiled me as well.

I much more prefer to play with my shoestrings and Mr. Nice. He is really good at playing with me.

The last two weeks were great. Mr. & Mrs. Nice have been home with home and I get to go out whenever I want now. The weather has been much nicer and the snow is gone. Mrs. Nice said she saw tulips and crocuses peeking out of the ground. It looks like spring is on its way to me. According to Mrs. Nice we will probably have some snow again in February or March. She advised me not to get spring fever yet! Watching her almost getting on ground level looking for plants that is kind of difficult to do. :-)

I reeeeaaally enjoy that!

Before I quit writing, I have to tell you that the neighbors are talking about me! Mrs. Nice was tickled to death after a neighbor told her on New Year's Eve outside that she thinks it is so funny when I leave my house, enter the street, holding up my tail like I am the "diva" of our street. Sounds like they think I am conceited, doesn't it? I am not sure whether I should be offended or not. Mr. & Mrs. Nice just think I am the cutest cat alive. That's enough for me.

Mrs. Nice only had a picture from this summer of me where I am holding my tail up high. What's wrong with that? I avoid bringing home dried leaves that way. I do it all to keep Mr. & Mrs. Nice's house clean. That's right! :-)