Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This is my very first Christmas at the Nice's house. I can tell it will be exciting. Today Mr. Nice put up a real tree inside the house and Mrs. Nice spent hours decorating.

She is a little worried that I may climb up her tree because her old cat used to do that when he was a kitten. The Santa Claus you see in the picture looks like something I'd love to get my paws on, but I better not. I know she will get the water bottle out and spray me which I don't care for at all.

Anyhow if I don't get around to drop you a line. Have a Merry Christmas with all your loved ones and all the best for 2008.

Yours truly,


Bek said...

Merry Christmas to you as well, Stella. Having a real tree in the house is sure nice. Just don't forget that you can't treat it like outside ones. Our Odessa, which by the way could be your twin-sister, had an "accident" under our tree last year. Enjoy the upcoming holidays and "slide over well to the New Year"!

Gattina said...

Merry Christmas to you too (und natürlich frohe Weihnachten !!) Rosie behaved very good with the Christmas tree, it is still standing, lol!
She is the first cat in my life I could take pictures of from her birth until today. I made a little slide show.

verobirdie said...

Merry Christmas to you Stella, and to Mr. and Mrs Nice.
You look fantastic on that picture, with those eyes!
Hug to you.

Anonymous said...

Stella the cat is beautiful :)
Merry Christmas to you.

SchneiderHein said...

Arme Stella,
da hätten der Baum doch ruhig zweigeteilt sein können: Unten was zum Spielen und Patschen für Dich und oben die zerbrechliche Deko. Mit Katzen im Haus muss ein Baum doch eh' festgebunden werden!
Dann wünschen wir Dir Weihnachtsbesuch, den Du magst und viele Schmuse- & Spieleinheiten von Deinen Leuten!
Liebe Grüße
Silke & Wolfgang

Naturegirl said...

Stella Purzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to you from
Paisley and Babie and naturegirl.
We know all about the tree...our tree is placed in a dining room behind french doors so we can't play with the shiny balls that hang.
We are allowed into the room only when she is in there...watching us.
We wish you a Happy Christmas with your Nice family.

Gattina said...

I hope you had a very nice Christmas and a lots of treats !
Rosie was very busy with the Christmas gifts !

Luna und Luzie said...

Leider hab ich es vor Weihnachten nicht mehr geschafft rumzukommen.
Hoffentlich hattet ihr ein schönes Weihnachtsfest. Meine Eltern sind jetzt gerade in Rosenheim, um mit Oma , Tante und Onkel ins neue Jahr zu feiern.
Auch Euch wünsche ich ein erfolgreiches, glückliches und gesundes neues Jahr !!!
Liebe Grüße
Stefanie und Luna

kate said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Stella and that you got a few new treats!

Happy New Year to you!