Thank you for the nice comments you left in my blog and the warm welcome I have received. I was overjoyed and hope you will return. This was a tough week for me because I have had to put all my efforts and wits into training Mr. & Mrs. Nice. You would not believe the week I have had. However, let me start at the beginning.
I have told you last week that Mr. & Mrs. Nice have noticed that I was loosing hair on one ear. Conscientious as Mrs. Nice is about my welfare it was decided that I had to go to the vet. She checked with the neighbors where they were taking their cats and decided I had to go to the one the nice lady across the street uses. Tuesday was the day for the visit.
I hopped into my new colorful carrier. Just as we went outside to the car this downpour of rain started. Mrs. Nice opened the garage, put me in the car and we drove to the next town. We got there too early, so we went off for another spin around town. We were the first ones to be in the waiting room and the vet asked us to come into the examining room. He was really nice and I had to sit on this shiny table. Mrs. Nice asked all kinds of questions about my health and my shot records. He checked my ears under this ultraviolet light, gave us medicine for it and told us to return in 2 weeks if it did not clear up. Mrs. Nice took along some nasty worm medicine, too, because I am due to take that in 2 months again. I was really afraid he would give me a shot, but Mrs. Nice told me not to be scared and I felt safe and believed her. Then we drove home and since then I get medicine on my ear twice daily. Mr. Nice said it is getting better and I may not have to go back.
All week I have been taken out on my leash. I must not tell you that I am getting
veeeeeerrryyyyy tired of that. We went for interesting walks, though. All around where we live I discovered the neatest things. There is a creek nearby and the biggest field!! Beautiful! Do you think Mr. Nice would let me run around there by myself??? Oh no!! When I try ... he picks me up and back to the house we go.
Then Mrs. Nice took me on a walk up the creek. She helped me cross this little bridge. I really didn't want to go across it, but she encouraged me and you know what? It was not scary after all because so many new smells, plants and even another cat was there. I just looked at her, though. At the time I felt it was better to walk with Mrs. Nice; didn't want to scare this cat. :-)
As the week went by I started to push the issue of going outside more seriously. They are at the point now where they are getting tired of having to stop what they are doing to take me outdoors. I have got a feeling that is the status right now. I am allllllmoooost where I want to be.
My road to personal freedom.
It is a drag how hard I have to work on that. At night it irritates them really bad. They want to watch TV and I abuse the window and screen. Remember when I wrote that Mrs. Nice is stricter? Well, I think she and Mr. Nice have a had a conversation about my upbringing. He is STRICT now as well!!! He sprays me with the water bottle when I do something that annoys them badly. But guess what ... he plays with me, when I keep doing it to keep me from being bored. That's a good one, isn't it? Wouldn't you know that I'll remember that? :-) He takes me hundreds of times to my scratching post when I scratch the window or the screen. My original thought in doing that was that they would let me out, but it is not working. My first impression that they are smart people seems to be correct. Instead of opening the door I am taken to the scratching post and being told that this is where I am allowed to scratch. Let me tell you in
people words: IT STINKS!!This is how I start to get them to take me out. What do you think? You may want to show your cat, because it works sometimes.

I walk to the window, hear their sigh in the background, "She wants to go out. Who is taking her?" They are trying to ignore me, because they are really
not ready to interrupt what they are doing, but I can tell they're watching me out of the corner of their eyes.

I place myself right in the middle of the room. They HAVE to see me THERE! Still no response from Mr. & Mrs. Nice. Sometimes I believe they think I will evaporate and put my needs behind theirs. Are you kidding me, Stella-The-Cat? I am not a dog!

Ok, one more elegant (but begging) look back to see if I see a reaction on their faces and I have to think about the next strategy.

Ok, here I go! I am going to the front door? Will you take me out there?

I'm REALLY going to the front door, you better believe it!

It is not working!! They are still ignoring me, but I'll get them.

That should get them NOW. They do not like for me to be on top of furniture. I have been wanting to sleep in my carrier since we got back from the vet. Mrs. tells me it doesn't fit into her livingroom, but I could care less. It is considered a piece of furniture now.
NOOOOOWWW I've gotten their attention. They are taking me off the carrier. One last try now.

I am walking towards the dreaded balloon that's supposed to keep me from scratching the window (which I have managed to work around now. Tell you later about that.) THEY ARE WATCHING MEEEEEEE!

I DID IT!!! Can you tell what this is? My little harness to get outdoors. The hands you see are Mr. Nice's hands!! He is a softie .... I am
VERY good!!
I am telling you a secret now. Don't tell Mr. & Mrs. Nice I know, though. They are giving up on making me a 75% house cat I've overheard. Once I get a little collar next week, they are allowing me to hit the yard
BY MYSELF. It will be difficult to hold back my excitment until then, but
WORLD GET READY, HERE COMES STELLA-THE-CAT!On a more personal note: You will have to show mental support for Mr. & Mrs. Nice. It will be like cutting the umbilical cord for them and letting another child out into the bad world. They just don't know at the moment that I will love them just as much.