Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The other side of the fence and other things - Week #2

During the second week I have been getting used to the routine here.

I wonder why they won't take down the balloons at the entry way door, the terrace door in the livingroom and their bedroom? Don't they trust me? It must be the yearning I have in my eyes when I sit on my scratch post or when I stand up against the window looking outside. As much as I have thought about it, there seems to be no way around these balloons.

I like to follow them around the house. THEY get to go outdoors anytime they want, but THEY don't allow ME to go outdoors every time with them.

In this house livingroom, diningroom and kitchen are connected. Between the livingroom and the kitchen there is a sliding door. From the kitchen and livingroom the hallway can be entered. Guess what they did? Mr. & Mrs. Nice put the door handles upright!! Don't they know that I cannot open the doors like that? One would think they'd have given this much better consideration and thought about my needs!! When Mr. Nice mows the lawn and Mrs. Nice works in her flower beds, they trick me. Quickly they lure me into the entry way and they shut these two doors. Then I have to stand against the doors, make the most miserable sounds, waiting for their pity ... but to no avail. I am not allowed back in until the yard work has been completed and I can go outdoors on a leash with them. That's not fair, Mr. & Mrs. Nice! You better believe me, I will remember when they use the trick on me next time. I am wondering this may have something to do with my first Saturday here when Mr. Nice had to climb through the kitchen window?

Mrs. Nice noticed I was loosing some hair on my right ear. It worried her. She is always worried about me, my (now) beautiful shiny coat, that I drink enough, and eat enough. Something else that she cares very much about is cleanliness. My scratch post is being vacuumed every other day. She says, even though I don't shed as badly as her old shorthair cat Streaks, she does not want my hair everywhere. When she vacuums I watch from a distance. As strong as this vacuum cleaner is, I am surprised it does not suck the carpet up as well. When she is done, I get right back up on my scratch post. As you see, I have my personal maid as well. That's a life of luxury. They didn't do this in the animal shelter.

Mr. Nice always told me during the first week, that he doesn't care to walk along the fence in the yard all the time. He likes to sit in one spot and cuddle. Doesn't he know that I am curious about what's past this fence? Who cares what he likes? My needs are important!

Mrs. Nice started taking me past the fence on the leash. Now I know what the front of my house looks like. It is very sunny there in the evening. Mrs. Nice and I sit there on a pretty bench. She gives me enough leash so I can go across the street to the other neighbor's fence. I smelled another cat there, too. There is a nice lady with a husband and another set of twins living there. They came out to welcome me to the neighborhood and warned me about some of the mean cats around here. There is Tommy, another cat in the neighborhood, who watched me during my first outing on the other side of the fence. Mrs. Nice tried to make him leave, but he kept following from a distance. I've got to watch out for this fellow. We even walked to the creek which was neat. I wonder what comes after the creek?

Here is where we sit when we go out front.

When I get tired of being on the other side of the fence, I walk back into the garden with Mrs. Nice. It is usually time for me to eat something and get some rest.

This is the view I get. Now tell me, would you run away from here?

This all I have to tell you about my second week in my new home.


Sigrun said...

Da sieht man es doch - die Katze sagt ja selbst, dass sie raus will!

Al :-))

Bek said...

Stella, you've been tagged:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

it's morning in the world and everywhere cats are waking up including you, demanding attention, asking to be fed, let out, let in,
cuddled, milk please, hear my purr, stroke my fur.
And people respond, feed us, caress us and rush to do our bidding, honored, to be loved by a cat.

Independent, we often walk alone yet knowing people need us, lonely people, sad people, needing that special something only a cat can give. We cats give love yet remain
apart, accept food and shelter but are always free. We accept our homage knowing it's a privilege to be loved by a cat.
We have four paws and a tail, a sharp cry drifting on the wind. Soft fur, hiding needle like claws, a purr that puts Beethoven's music to shame. A perfect being, in form and soul, in truth a cat is love incarnate.
It is a great joy to be lucky and be loved by a cat.

Congratulations to your new blog, your new home.
I'll visit you again,
cheers Maximus (Maxi)
Guildwood Canada