On May 19th, 2007 this really nice couple came to the shelter where I have been living for several months. They were looking for a kitty because they had been without an animal for a long, long time.
They were telling my caretaker that they wanted to look at a BKH-mix they had seen on the web page. What they didn't know was, that I reaaaaly wanted to be with them. I took the first opportunity available and jumped on the lady's shoulders. When Mr. Nice stood close, I went right to him, too. I must have done a really good job because they went nuts about me, stroked me and gave me lots of love.
Then I heard my caretaker telling them that I was a really good cat and liked only myself and the people around me. Nevertheless, they still wanted to look at the other cat. I decided to go outdoors while they were looking, but imagined that my chances were pretty good that they would end up coming back to my room.
Patience pays off! They came back to MY room and THEY wanted ME! ME! ME! There were some hurdles to get past, though. My caretaker is a careful one and she told my prospective can openers that she would not allow me to live near a busy street and she wanted to see the house where I was going to be living. She also told them that I knew how to open doors. Why did she do that? Couldn't they find out themselves? Then I heard the nice couple tell her that they would go to the store and buy a new scratching post, food, a sleeping basket and toys. It sounded like they really wanted me and were willing to spend some €€€€ on me, Stella-The-Cat.
Another long night passed and the next morning on Sunday, May 20th, 8 a.m. they arrived with a new carrying case for ME, Stella-The-Cat. My caretaker put me in there. Then I had to wait and put up with this obnoxious terrier mutt sniffing at my new case while my new friends had to sign adoption papers.
Off I went to my new home!
1 comment:
Da ich mich hier nicht in Englisch "abmühen" will sage ich es einfach auf Deutsch. Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Stella zu Deinem eigenen Blog, den Deine Dosenöffnerin Dir eröffnet hat. Eine hübsche Katze wie Du hat sowas schließlich verdient. Damit Du auch gaaanz schnell berühmt wirst, werde ich jetzt schnell einen Link in meinem Blog zu Dir setzen. Liebe Grüße, auch an Dein Frauchen, Birgit
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